The Separator block inserts a visual separator that represents a thematic break between paragraph-level elements: for example, a change of scene in a story or a shift of topic within a section. Screen reader software will announce this element, so make sure to use it only where a topic change occurs and not simply for decoration.

Make sure not to overuse these. They should not be used as decorative elements.

How to Use

  1. Select Add block and choose the Separator block (under the Layout Elements category).
  2. The Separator block will default to the short line style.

Additional Options

There are three Separator styles:

  • Short horizontal line (default)
  • Three dots
  • Wide horizontal line

The Separator block has no other options.

Color selection options should never be used on the Separator block.


A Separator block using the default short horizontal line style:

A Separator block set to the three centered dots style:

A wide horizontal line style Separator block:


This is a WordPress-created core block that is built in to WordPress.