This is Montserrat, the primary typeface for all headings and paragraph text.

The default body text is 16 pixels (px). Paragraph width is capped at 720px (45rem, or about 80ch) for optimum readability.

We have several font size variants when emphasis is needed: small, normal/default, medium, large, and huge.

Font Size Examples

Small font size (0.88em) is 14.21px. It’s used for things like captions and brief clarification text.

Normal or Default font size (1.00 em) is 16px. It is the best fit for general paragraph text and should be the most used variant.

Medium font size (1.25em) is 22.8px. It’s good for catching attention at the start of a page with a brief introduction to the page content.

Large font size (1.60em) is 25.63px. It’s best for brief text that needs to stand out from the surroundings.

Huge font size (2.03em) is 32.4px. It’s the largest available paragraph text font size, for very brief calls to action.


Most headings are separated by two increments of the type scale, starting one increment below default paragraph text size.

See the headings section of the Style Guide for information on using headings in your content.

Subheading Examples

Heading one

Not for editor use. 2.56em (41.05px) on small screens and 2.88em (46.13px) on large.

Heading two

Heading two (2.03em) is 32.4px.

Heading three

Heading three (1.60em) is 25.63px.

Heading four

Heading four (1.125em) is 18px.

Heading five

Heading five (1.00 em) is 16px.

Heading six

Heading six (0.88em) is 14.21px.

Font Styles

Our theme provides a handful of font style variations that you can use to add meaning and emphasis to paragraph text. These include things like bold, emphasized (italic), and deleted (strikethrough) styles. Do not apply underline styles to any text.

Anchor Tag (aka. Link)

This is an example of a link.

Strong Tag

This tag shows bold text.

Emphasize Tag

The emphasize tag should italicize text.

Abbreviation Tag [Requires HTML editor]

This tag can srsly be used to identify what abbreviations stand for.

Subscript Tag [Requires HTML editor]

Getting our science styling on with H2O, which should push the “2” down.

Superscript Tag [Requires HTML editor]

Still sticking with science and Albert Einstein’s E = MC2, which should lift the 2 up.

Delete Tag & Insert Tag [Requires HTML editor]

This tag will let you mark a section of text as deleted.

This tag should denote inserted text.

Universal Design Warning: Most screen reader tools don’t announce del or ins elements. Only use this in situations where not knowing content has been deleted or added wouldn’t affect understanding.

Inline Code Tag [WP 5.2+]

Allows for including html elements in inline code display.

Variable Tag [Requires HTML editor]

This allows you to denote variables.

Keyboard Tag [Requires HTML editor]

This scarcely known tag emulates keyboard text, which is usually styled like the <code> tag.


Paragraph and heading blocks are WordPress-created and built in to WordPress.

Font size and style options are customized by the HRS theme.