HRS uses WordPress’ two primary content types for standard website content: Posts and Pages.

For standard text-and-image content:

  • Posts should be used for timely content (material that is specific to a certain time or date). They appear in reverse chronological order so that the newest posts are always first. These are ideal for news, updates, and announcements. Generally these are used for content that “expires” rather than “updates.” Posts are also grouped by taxonomies like tags and categories.
  • Pages should be used for “timeless” content that may be updated, but will not expire with time — the HRS Contacts page is a good example of this kind of content. Pages are organized hierarchically.

If your content is tabular data, a document (something in PDF, Word, or PowerPoint format, for example), or a form, you should use one of the special content types:

  1. Data: For tabular data use the Table block, or TablePress if you have very large table. Tables must never be used simply for presentation. They are complex for screen reader users to read and tricky to format on small screens. If you want a table-like display but don’t actually have tabular data we recommend using one or more Columns blocks.
  2. Documents: Items such as PDFs, Word documents, and PowerPoints should be uploaded using Media Library. You are responsible for making sure published documents are accessible. The easiest solution is to use a post or a page instead. Work with your site administrator if you’d like help converting a document into a WordPress post or page.
  3. Forms: Web forms are created and managed using the Gravity Forms tool. You must work with your site administrator to set up and manage forms.