HRS uses the Gravity Forms plugin to provide web forms. These forms can be embedded in posts and pages. In order to edit the form fields, look up the form by title in the Forms section of the WordPress admin area. For more complicated forms or if you have questions, contact HRS ITS for more help.

Getting Started

From the admin area, select Forms from the main navigation menu. Select the form you’d like to edit.

Select the field you would like to edit to expand the editor interface. The interface for each field is specific to the field type, but most fields will have a Label (required) and a Description (optional) and will allow you to set it as required.

  • Use the label to clearly and very briefly state the expected input (such as “Name,” “Employee Type,” or “Comments”).
  • Use the description field to provide additional explanation to help the user know what kind of information to enter in the field.
  • Select the Required option to make the field required.

You can find a description of all the other common settings in the Gravity Forms user guides.

When you’re finished editing, select the Update button to save your changes.

Web forms are made up of fields, which allow the user to input content to be submitted or display explanatory information. Fields vary by the kind of content you want to collect.

Refer to the Gravity Forms user guides for explanations of each available field.

Editing Common Field Types

Text Input Fields

There are two fields that allow users to enter arbitrary text: single line text and paragraph text.

The single line text field provides the user with a short text input field, appropriate for things like names, phone numbers, zip codes, etc.

The paragraph text field allows users to enter longer text. This is useful for things like comments or other long-form content you need to collect from the user.

On both text input fields you can specify a maximum number of characters if you want to limit the amount of content users can enter.

The number field is similar to the single lint text field, but restricts user input to numbers and allows you to specify an input mask to hint to users what number format is expected.

Selection Fields

The radio buttons, drop down, checkboxes, and multi select fields all provide the user with multiple options to select from.

  • The radio buttons and drop down fields allow users to select only one option.
  • The checkboxes and multi select allow users to select more than one option.

In the edit window for each of these field types you’ll see the list of choices users can select from. You can modify the label text for each option, add and remove options using the plus and minus buttons, or rearrange the options by clicking-and-dragging the arrows next to the label.

You can also bulk edit the list of options by selecting the Bulk Add / Predefined Choices button and putting one option per line in the insert window.

Save or update the form when you finish editing.

Adding Text or Image Content

If you need to place additional instructions or other text or image content into a form you can use the HTML field. You will have to enter the text as HTML: wrap paragraph text in <p>the text</p> tags and headings in <h3>heading text</h3> tags. Contact HRS ITS for help.